2023 IEC Counts Only if You Arrive in Canada
Hello World! Today we would like to share an update on the 2023 International Experience Canada (IEC). It just had the first round of invitations on January 9, 2023.
For details about the 2023 IEC, please click here.
If you haven’t used your IEC, you can apply it again
As of January 9, 2023, the definition of participation for the IEC changed. It only counts as participation if you arrive in Canada and receive your Work Permit.
Previously, if you were approved for the IEC program, you were counted as participating even if you did not travel to Canada.
Now, participation only counts if you arrive in Canada and receive your Work Permit. If you applied in the past and have not activated your IEC Work Permit in Canada, you can create a new profile and apply it again.
For more information, please see the following link.
2023 Working Holiday Application Status
Current Application Status for Japan – Working Holiday (as of January 13, 2023)
Quota: 6,500
First round of invitations: Week of January 13, 2023
Final round of invitations: To be announced
Invitations issued to date: 750
Spots available: 6,005
Candidates in the pool: 285
Applicants who applied to the program last year (2022 IEC including the Working Holiday program) and did not receive an ITA (Invitation to Apply) need to submit a new profile. All profiles will be removed at the end of each season.
Please see the link below to see if you are eligible 2023 IEC Program.
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The number of the IEC issued is limited each year and varies by program and country.
If you are interested in applying for the IEC and need our assistance or advice, please feel free to send your form from here. We will get back to you as soon as possible.
“You are one step closer to Canada!”