Can I visit Canada during the holiday?
Time flies! Our holiday seasons are quickly approaching. We assume many people are planning for the holiday.
As you may know, the travel restrictions to Canada have been extended to January 21, 2021.
We posted our blog about the travel restrctions on October 1, 2020. Please review the contents to refresh your memory.
Since then, there are a few things updated. The following is the recap of the travel restctions and updates.
Who can travel to Canada?
<Canadians / Permanent Residents>
If you are:
- a Canadian citizen;
- a dual Canadian citizen with a
- a permanent resident of Canada;
- a person registered under Canada’s Indian Act;
- a protected person.
To be eligible to travel to Canada as a foreign national, you must meet the requirements such as:
- you have an immediate family member of a Canadian citizen or permanent resident;
- you are traveling as an essential worker either traveling from the USA or you are exempt from the travel restrictions;
- you receive a pre-approval letter for your Work Permit / Study Permit applications;
- you have been approved to become a permanent resident of Canada;
- air and marine crew member;
- any person who is coming at the invitation of the Minister of Health for COVID-19 assistance;
- any person whose purpose is to make medical deliveries
- You must be travelling directly from the US for a non-discretionary purpose
- You must be exempt from the travel restrictions and be travelling for a non-discretionary purpose
The updated foreigners are listed as highlighted. Some people need to have a written authorization to come to Canada in order toe be “exempt from the travel restrictions”. Let’s take a closer look at the “written authorization”.
What is a written authorization?
The following is the summary of the “exempt from the travel restrictions” including the information of the written authorization. Please look at the details from here on the IRCC website.
◉How to unite with immediate family member who is in Canada temporarily
An immediate family member is defined as a
- spouse or common-law partner
- dependent child (yours, your spouse’s or your common-law partner’s)
- dependent child of a dependent child
- parent or step-parent (yours, your spouse’s or your common-law partner’s)
- guardian or tutor
If you need a Temporary Resident Visa (TRV or visitor visa):
Follow the instructions for How to apply for a visitor visa. We’ll assess your reasons for travel and make a decision on your visitor visa and your written authorization at the same time. Remember to submit evidence to show you’re eligible to travel at this time.
If you have an eTA or need one to travel:
If you have an eTA, or you’re applying for one, you also need to contact us through our Web form to tell us how you meet the eligibility requirements to travel at this time. We’ll assess your reasons for travel and make a decision on your eTA, if you don’t have one yet, and your written authorization. It will take approximately 2 weeks to hear from IRCC, but it may take longer if the information is missing or if you submit the request more than once.
Besides the above, you are required to provide the information through the app called ArriveCAN and have a 14-day quarantine plan prior to your departure.
There are a lot of things you need to be careful when you travel to Canada under the travel restrictions. If you need any assistance, please feel free to contact us from here.
2020 was the starting year for One Pacific Immigration Consulting.
Thank you very much for help us grow since the beginning of our business.
We hope you will enjoy our blog and find it useful. We will post our blog at least once a month in 2021.
We wish you a very merry holiday and a happy new year🎵
“You are one step closer to Canada!”